The Sprockettes started in the spring of 2004. A band of women from all different bike communities fatefully met up one sunny afternoon, and tossed the idea of bike performance around. We met a week later, picked our colors and name, danced to inspirational videos and thus, The Sprockettes began.
What was just an idea for ONE performance at the Multnomah County Bike Fair, turned into a lifestyle. We performed once or twice that summer and ended up with new members in the fall. Now we’ve been going strong for over a decade. As a collective, we have been an ever changing group from all different backgrounds. We share the same passion for performing, bicycling, D.I.Y. ideology, learning, and promoting a healthy body, mind, and self-image. We strive to work collectively, communicate effectively, and inspire indefinitely!
The Sprockettes toured in 2007 & 2008, with Tour de Fat, making it possible for us to cruise the West Coast on a giant charter bus converted to run on post-consumer veggie grease. We promoted our mission throughout California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, and in 2009, we spread our love to the Midwest.
Inspired by The Sprockettes, bike performance groups started popping up all over the globe! In 2009, we held an international dance symposium and met up with 5 dance troupes. We aim to perform for a similar purpose by combining our energies into the same revolutionary movement, now called Bike C.A.S.C.A.D.I.A., an acronym for Collectively Achieving Sustainable Communities and Dynamic Inspirational Activism.
Beyond the love for bike performance being borderless, we have also received media recognition by NPR, KBOO and our local public access channel. We have also led workshops at Evergreen State College, as well as the International Towards Carefree Cities Conference, and the Northwest Climate Convergence. Our most favorite endeavor though, is The Sprockettes Girls’ Camp, where we pass on our bike dance know how to the next generation.
Overall The Sprockettes have not only impacted our communities by dancing at benefits and locally organized functions, but we have also created a bond within ourselves. The relationships that we share are unmatched. We strive to be a force of love, positivity, support, and inspiration for each other, and hopefully you. A dangerous cultural monoculture exists out there, which can judge and hinder us from achieving radical self-love. We can proudly move forward with our founding vision close to our hearts, driving us to become stronger, more creative, and to get outside of our comfort zone. We pursuit everlasting fun! Come join the movement!